The information system for the collection of communal rent was developed for the needs of the municipality of Bijeljina. By a municipal desicion, a model based on city zones was chosen, but the system was developed in a way that you can easily switch to other models when the  available data permits it.

The information system was developed as a multi-layer application that has MS SQL Server 2005 for data management in the background, Mapsoft Total Solution  as a spatial database server, while the user graphical interface was implemented as a web application so that the client can access it from any web browser. 


The data underlying the information system is the official cadastral data and the digital cadastral plan.

Basic functions of the information system for the unified collection are:

  • subject records
  • data search
  • review of data on taxpayers, building lots, buildings and special parts of objects 
  • updating of data on taxpayers, building lots, buildings and special parts of objects
  • generating decisions
  • viewing of property on a digital geodetic plan
  • merging subjects
  • generating reports
  • reciept and processing of complaints
  • monitoring and recording the collection of fees
  • generating warnings for irregular payments

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  +387 55/213-256

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GISsoft ltd. Brčko Distrikt

RO: GISdesign Bijeljina
MBS: 1-150 Osnovni sud u Brčkom
JIB: 4600011890000
PIB: 600011890000